We welcome a new addition to our family...the Flip video camera! We couldn't be more excited about it!! It's small, easy to use, covered with cute little cupcakes and best of all records HD video and we want to offer it to YOU (or a bridesmaid or a groomsmen) on your special day. Here is how it works; when we arrive to photograph we will hand this little baby over to the lucky selected person. This person will record 60 minutes of what he/she chooses of your big day. They can pass it around to your best bud Sally, your great Aunt Tilly, whoever wants to can leave a little message of love & blessings for you! As we pack up we will collect the camera and you will receive a DVD containing all the footage captured. Not only will you get photos but now video! Add it to your engagement/family/children session.
For more details please email!
A photograph is memory in the raw. ~Carrie Latet
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