I met this particular family from Evergreen, The Pretzlers, while photographing there house so they could eventually put it on the market for sale. The house is a gorgeous Tuscany style home that sits atop a 35 acre ranch, snowcapped views, ponds, streams, and rolling hills. (I'm still saving my pennies so maybe one day I could make them an offer lol). Anyhoo, their home is the perfect location for a Colorado outdoor shoot and they were so gracious to invite me back to their place for a family shoot while there were still some golden Aspen leaves showing!
Hope these photos entice you to visit beautiful Evergreen. And book a family shoot! I would have loved to do something fun like this with my family growing up! I love how you can understand the big sister-little brother relationship through some of these. Ahhh I always remember being so annoyed by my little brothers when we were young, but looking back, life would definitely not have been as FUN without them!
Introducing The Pretzler Family...
(below) John Phillip being distracted. Don't you just love how little kids bellies poke out? 

Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. ~Anthony Brandt
your Denver, Evergreen, and beyond...
Family Photographers,
Kimothy & Tess
These are lovely. I like that you've branched out from wedding photography - it seems there isn't much you can't make look unbelievably happy and pretty.
Thank you Beth!
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