Missing mi madre today...the Queen of Love and Joy
Posted by
Kimothy •and• Tess - Love•n•Joy Photography
on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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Oh Kimothy, this just made me cry/smile at work. She's beautiful.
Sending hugs your way, Kimothy.
Uh, Kim. I just started tearing up at work. My parents went to the balloon festival last weekend, and so they watched the video I had made of it. My dad called me and told him it made him sad, which confused me at first. He reminded me that the time I shot that video was the ladies trip - our last hurray with Merri. Now it makes me think of her. I remember hitting the dance floor with her and having so much fun.
Thanks, guys. Beth...totally remember that day so vividly. It was such a happy, beautiful time! O man. And the best part is...after going through my mom's stuff and finding her old HP point-and-shoot camera, I found video footage of her dancing and laughing at the winery (you are in it!). I love that I have that because she LOVED breakin it down anytime/anywhere. lol
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